Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Back after a long summer break

Well I'm back after taking a long break from the blog. I also got distracted by World of Tanks. Totally AWESOME!!! Highly addictive & easy way to burn 4 hours without realizing it.

Of course getting mini-me involved didn't help. He's so into tanks to begin with, and now I think he's better at the game than I am.

We've also started slot-car racing. Lots-o-fun too.

Back to miniatures.

Current project: Soota Boyz

Got them primed. Mixed up my orkflesh recipe. Painted skin.

Orkflesh = olive green:earth brown 12:4
Then magic wash = Dark(forrest) green:black 4:1 with 0.4 ml Future.

Then back to the basic flesh, add another drop or two of the olive and build up the highlights. --Not too much. Keep it subtle.

Next step: start on the clothing.

In the meantime, here's a couple of shots of my version of Elric: