

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Other Stuff in the Collection

 What a month February has been!

Hope everyone survived the winter blast we had here in the US. I think I saw at one point that the central US was the coldest place on the planet for at least two days, including the arctic and antarctic. Wow. Just Wow!😲

We were shut down here for 7 working days due to excessive snow and then the city water main breaks causing low pressure and a boil water alert. That cold weather is not very conducive to clear coating or priming either.

So this post is going to be old pics of minis already done.

Here's part of my fantasy orc horde.
It's a mix of several manufacturers. Mostly these are Reaper.
And most of these were painted I'm guessing 7-8 years ago at least.

This pair are definitely Reaper minis. 
One on the right is part of an army pack so he has a few clones in the group.

Another Reaper mini. He's actually an Ogre in the catalogue but I painted him up with the orcs.
Many years ago - we're talking before high school when my painting first began - I had Ral Partha paints that was Orc Flesh. Since that pot is is long dried up - I may still have the actual pot somewhere - I've come up with my own orc flesh recipe I use on all my orcs now. My attempt at duplicating the Ral Partha color. It's some olive green with a bit more brown mixed in. Shading is a wash of dark green with a similar amount of earth brown mixed in.
I like it.
Speaking of Ral Partha, This is one. The orc rider is closer to 25mm than the Reaper 28mm figures.  This guy along with the next one (also a Ral Partha) are ones I picked up in a dusty old hobby shop somewhere outside Phoenix 19 years ago. The paint job is not much younger.
So here are all my "heavys"
I do have one Hasslefree mini in there:

 I really like the Hasslefree minis.
I've got quite a few of them, been buying them for years.

There is another Hasslefree mini that goes really well with this guy, Tiriel.

He & she go together in the display case when they're not on the table top.

And I'll finish up this post with a few more pictures of Tiriel.

She's been painted up for about as long. I wasn't much in to doing eyes back then. And I got all three versions.

That's it for this month.
Hopefully in March I will be able to get more recent projects photographed. I should be finishing up my February project in the next few days if the USPS ever catches up and delivers the last pieces I needed.
If the weather stays nice I can clear coat and photograph some other projects. I've got one from last August that I realized I never did shoot any pictures of the finished deal. I got some from the build but never did document the final bit. 
Maybe that will be next. 

So until next time...
Thanks for stopping by.